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Crochet Finn from Adventure Time version 2.0 by Suzy Dias. I’m Getting Better…I think. #crochetfinn #crochetadventuretime

Crochet Adventure Time with Crochet Finn

Adventure Time is a great show filled with fantastical and whimsical characters. Add a boy and his dog, who are brothers, and you have a LOT of great adventures. For me, making Finn and Jake was an easy decision. They’re actually my first attempt at cartoon characters (or any character) in crochet.

I learned so much from my first version (click here) – both about crochet in general, but how to make an amigurumi look like the real character. Every step is a huge leap forward.

For this version, I wanted to give Finn that great big toothy smile and skinny little legs. So, here’s Finn 2.0, baby! There will be many more versions, but I think I captured his spirit (even with all of my inexperience).

Unlike my very first version (click here), I decided to go with an oval shape to more closely match the cartoon. I used felt to create his mouth, so I could more easily add a fun expression.


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