Paris à la Geek
What do Geeks do in Paris
Meet the Hosts

Miguel Guerra

Suzy Dias
Suzy is head writer for our comics and short stories. She spends countless hours forging plots and writing comics. She’s also the resident writer, co-letterer, webmaster and video producer.
With a penchant for crochet, Suzy also creates quirky amigurumi toys, hats, scarves and anything slightly weird. [find out more here].
The Show / Web Series
Unusual Events and Obscure Places
Join us as we explore unusual events and obscure places. Here are some examples of where we have gone and were we will go:
✧ Angoulême International Comics Festival
✧ Paris Comic Con
✧ Fantastic local book shops
✧ Catacombes de Paris
✧ The House of Nicolas Flamel (the famous alchemist)
✧ Montparnasse Cemetary
✧ Père Lachaise cemetary
✧ The Museum of Vampires and Legendary Creatures
✧ Bibliothèque nationale de France (National Library of France)
✧ 59 Rivoli (notorious artist squat renovated into legal studios)
Art Tutorials
Along with visiting fun and freaky places, we’re also big on doing things for ourselves. DIY rules! We create our own comics, make all types of art (visit our shop here), produce cartoons, have fun with videos and we’re part of a fantastic, ever growing comics community. We’ll hit conventions, festivals, comic shops, toy stores and anything we find along the wa
✧ Art tutorials
✧ Book reviews
✧ Tool reviews (brushes, pens, pencils, programs,…)
✧ Toy reviews
✧ Self publishing tips
✧ Taking your advice and suggestions for future shows
About the hosts
☆ Visit our About Us section to read more about Suzy and Miguel.
Contact Us
☆ If you would like to get in touch with us, we’d love to hear from you. Just click here.