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Lampooning Modern Economic Junk with Cartoons @ProfSteveKeen and @7RobotsInc

Lampooning Modern Economic Junk

Miguel Guerra and Suzy Dias are working with Dr. Steve Keen to bring sanity and some laughs to a frequently confusing and mind-numbing subject – economics. Ever think that economic decisions seem illogical, unscientific and unsupported by the facts?

Well, you’re right!

Yes, what you see with your own eyes is exactly correct. What they (mainstream neoclassical economists) tell you is a pile of bull that they made up to support their theories of how the economy should work.

Thank you to Kickstarter, Startjoin & Patreon Supporters

As a BIG THANK YOU to all of our Kickstarter and StartJOIN supporters, as well as Steve’s Patreon supporters, we’re creating two comic books based on two hilariously entertaining articles by Dr. Keen…

  1. CERN Discovers New Particle Called The FERIR
    **Scroll down to see our work in progress.
  2. The WHO* warns of outbreak of virulent new ‘Economic Reality’ virus

Steve Keen CERN/Ferir comic. Art by Miguel Guerra.

Steve Keen CERN/Ferir comic. Art by Miguel Guerra.

Steve Keen CERN/Ferir comic. Art by Miguel Guerra.

Steve Keen CERN/Ferir comic. Art by Miguel Guerra.

Support change

If you like what Steve Keen is doing, you can support him on:
• Follow him on Twitter @ProfSteveKeen


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