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Crochet #Totoro Set of 3 by #SuzyDias. I wanted them soft & cute, so I made them myself.

Crochet Totoro Set: O Totoro, Chu Totoro and Chibi Totoro by Suzy Dias

As a HUGE fan of Studio Ghibli, I had to try making one of the cutest characters of all – Totoro! Like many things I love to do, I just couldn’t stop at one.

Here are my versions of these lovable, shy and magical forest creatures. They’re made of a super soft cotton/bamboo blend so they feel great and look adorable.

First came the King of the Forest

The first Totoro I made was (of course) O Totoro, the giant, friendly forest spirit. I tried quite a few versions until I was able to get a nice round tummy and those strange diamond-shaped ears.

*For more details and photos, click here to visit my shop.

• O Totoro
Crochet Tototro by Suzy Dias     Crochet Tototro by Suzy Dias

Next came big blue.

Well, he may not be “big” blue, but Chu Totoro is and excellent acorn collector and can disappear at any moment…especially when curious children are around.

Chu Totoro
Crochet Tototro by Suzy Dias     Crochet Blue Chu Tototro by Suzy Dias

Finally came the little white one.

Chu Totoro and Chibi Totoro often stick together, gathering acorns. They can disappear at any moment, and reappear in their magical realm.

Chibi Totoro
Crochet Tototro by Suzy Dias     Crochet White Chibi Tototro by Suzy Dias

And then there were the happy three.

Finally, I could see my Totoro set of three all together. Maybe I should crochet a big tree they can sit under? Hmmm. I’m happy to report that the keeper of the forest and his little friends are doing well, searching for acorns and taking long naps in my kids’ room.

Totoro Set of 3
Crochet Tototro by Suzy Dias       Crochet Tototro by Suzy Dias

Related Links

• If you would like to see more photos of these little guys and a few more details, click here to visit my shop.

• Looking for a free pattern? This Grey Totoro Amigurumi by Lucy Collin is fabulous.







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