Wolf Boy & the Flushing of Atlantis latest pencils
Hello art and/or comedy fans. Here’s our latest update with pencils fresh from the art desk of Miguel Guerra. “And what is this art for?”, you may ask. For volume one of our super fun all-ages graphic novel (comic) series about three unlikely friends who roam around during ancient history…and basically muck things up for the world.
Who are the characters?
Join Wolf Boy, Monkey King, and Penthesilea (“Tessi”) the Amazon for a fantastical romp of epic proportions. For a character gallery, click here.
What’s this about?
Hijinks, magic, fun, and highflying adventure weave their way through every volume of this all-ages graphic novel series. This madcap trio sinks Atlantis, topples the Great Wall of China, destroys the Colossus of Rhodes, get Socrates arrested, and burns down the Library of Alexandria. To read more and see more character designs, click here.
Is there a sample?
Yes, indeed there is. For the FREE comic sample of what started it all you can read a sample of our very first Wolf Boy comic, “Wolf Boy and the Wrath of Sticky Beard” – click here.
Yeah, yeah! But what’s NEW?
We’re currently hard at work on our first book, not just a comic. “Wolf Boy and the Flushing of Atlantis” is coming soon! To prove it, here are some panels from Miguel’s latest artwork…
We’ll post post plenty more, so visit us again soon!