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Monkey King & Wolf Boy: From Comics to Crochet Toys by #SuzyDias

Monkey King from Wolf Boy and His Magical Warriors by Suzy Dias Crochet

Wolf Boy & Monkey King! Our all ages comic now has crochet custom toys. Sweet!

Miguel Guerra and I LOVE creating books and comics. However, I’ve developed a  addiction to amigurumi. Every new project is a new challenge. So, I set a new challenge for myself – to create toys based on our characters! I won’t lie, it was difficult, but the end result was pretty cool (at least for me).

Back in the day, our very first published comic was Wolf Boy and the Wrath of Stickybeard (scroll down for a FREE sample). At this very moment, Miguel and I are working on our first graphic novel in the Wolf Boy and His Magical Warrior series. Each graphic novel (BD) will be a stand alone books that follow the adventures of three characters – Wolf Boy, Monkey King and Tesi the Amazon. Our very first volume is called, The Flushing of Atlantis. It will be completed early next year. To see all behind the scenes art as “The Flushing of Atlantis” as it’s being created, click here.

*Note: Click on any image in this post to enlarge.

From Comics to Crochet Toys!

I created amigurumi versions of these characters – Wolf Boy, Monkey King and Tesi the Amazon. It was a bit difficult to imagine these 2D drawings as 3D characters I can hold in my hand. As you can imagine, there was a lot of unraveling involved (lots and lots of unraveling). And don’t get me started on how hard it was to create Wolf Boy’s crazy hair! I’m still thinking about the best way to create his crazy coif!

As with all of my projects, once I get started, I can stop! In the end, I showed Miguel my toy versions of the characters he designed and he was blown away. We’re both getting such a kick out of seeing our creations sitting on his desk.

So, Wolf Boy and Monkey King were born. Tesi the Amazon is coming soon! This is a trio after all. Without her, Wolf Boy and Monkey King would be completely lost. I just figured out how to design her head and face (which for anyone creating amigurumi is very exciting!).

Wolf Boy & Monkey King. Friends 4 Ever!

Here they are! The first versions of Wolf Boy and Monkey King (my work in progress), Trying to improve and (if possible) perfect a design can take time, but it’s worth it.

Wolf Boy and His Magical Warriors. Crochet by Suzy Dias

Wolf Boy and His Magical Warriors. Crochet by Suzy Dias

Amigurumi Wolf Boy

Raised by the great two-headed she-wolf Volupa, Wolf Boy possesses extraordinary strength and speed. He’s equally naive and oblivious, as well as the kindest kid with the most loyal heart. You can always count on him to do the right thing…in exactly the wrong way.

Though not the sharpest tool in the shed, he makes up for it with boundless exuberance and a staggering lack of common sense. With each new madcap adventure, he rescues the helpless from tyrants and villains, leaving a trail of mayhem behind.

Wolf Boy and His Magical Warriors. Crochet by Suzy Dias

Wolf Boy and His Magical Warriors. Crochet by Suzy Dias

Amigurumi Monkey King

Born from a rock thousands of years ago, Monkey King is a wizard…or maybe a god? He can’t remember. He’s extremely curious, crafty, strong (he’s made of rock) and has a horrible memory. He LOVES to have fun, is easily bored, scatterbrained and did we mention forgetful?

MONKEY can transform into anything, multiply, fly on clouds and has a magic staff that he shrinks into a toothpick and hides behind his ear. He admires Wolf Boy’s pure heart and decides to join him…plus he had nothing better to do.

Wolf Boy and His Magical Warriors. Crochet by Suzy Dias

Wolf Boy and His Magical Warriors. Crochet by Suzy Dias

Wolf Boy and His Magical Warriors. Crochet by Suzy Dias

FREE Sample

For a FREE sample of the comic click here or on the image. Read, laugh and enjoy.

Free Sample Wolf Boy & the Wrath of Stickybeard

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