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Horror Ink Sketches by Miguel Guerra – Jack-o’-Lantern

Horror Ink Sketches by Miguel Guerra - Jack-o'-Lantern

Horror Ink Sketches

As part of our Halloween countdown, we’re posting one new ink sketch every day until even after the 31st. Miguel is inspired by classic monsters and created a few of his own.


From Mental Floss:

“The term “jack-o’-lantern” was first applied to people, not pumpkins. As far back as 1663, the term meant a man with a lantern, or a night watchman. Just a decade or so later, it began to be used to refer to the mysterious lights sometimes seen at night over bogs, swamps, and marshes.

These ghost lights—variously called jack-o’-lanterns, hinkypunks, hobby lanterns, corpse candles, fairy lights, will-o’-the-wisps, and fool’s fire—are created when gases from decomposing plant matter ignite as they come into contact with electricity or heat or as they oxidize. For centuries before this scientific explanation was known, people told stories to explain the mysterious lights. In Ireland, dating as far back as the 1500s, those stories often revolved around a guy named Jack.” [click here to read more]

Miguel’s Jack-o’-Lantern

Horror Ink Sketches by Miguel Guerra - Jack-o'-Lantern