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Horror Ink Sketches by Miguel Guerra – Shadow Creature

Horror Ink Sketches by Miguel Guerra - Shadow Creature

Horror Ink Sketches

As part of our Halloween countdown, we’re posting one new ink sketch every day until even after the 31st. Miguel is inspired by classic monsters and created a few of his own.

Shadow People

“A shadow person (also known as a shadow figure, shadow being or black mass) is the perception of a patch of shadow as a living, humanoid figure, particularly as interpreted by believers in the paranormal or supernatural as the presence of a spirit or other entity.” [click here to read more]

Shadow people have been scaring people for thousands of years – but what are they? Some people believe these humanoid figures are a supernatural spirit or entity that manifests as a dark shadow.

The history of shadow people dates back as early as the 600s CE. Creepy shadow people stories come from all parts of the world and are eerily similar. The Quran makes mention of pitch-black sapient beings created from fire that were “not purely spiritual or physical in nature.” Heidi Hollis more recently described shadow people in her book, The Secret War, as “dark silhouettes with human shapes and profiles that flicker in and out of peripheral vision.” But their emergence in popular culture can be attributed to some paranormal investigators who’ve dedicated their life to researching and finding these shadow people.” [click here to read more]

Miguel’s Shadow Creature

Horror Ink Sketches by Miguel Guerra - Shadow Creature