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Crochet Three Musketeers d’Artagnan Keychain

Crochet Musketeer d’Artagnan Keychain

Alexandre Dumas wrote many classics like The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo. Did you he based his most heroic and tragic characters on his father? Alex Dumas (Thomas Alexandre Dumas) was a top general during the French Revolution, equal to Napoleon, and the son of a Haitian slave. General Alexandre Dumas lived an extraordinary life and inspired his son’s larger than life heroes and heart-pounding adventures.

Inspiring Life of General Alex Dumas

The following excerpt is from the prologue of an incredible book that I highly recommend called, “The Black Count: Napoleon’s Rival, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo – General Alexandre Dumas” by Tom Reiss, who won the Pulitzer Prize for  Biography in 2013. [click here for]

The Black Count (General Alexandre Dumas) by Tom Reiss      Crochet Musketeer d'Artagnan by Suzy Dias

“The original Alexandre Dumas was born in 1762, the son of “Antoine Alexandre de l’Isle, in the French sugar colony of Saint-Domingue [modern day Haiti]. Antoine was a nobleman in hiding from his family and from the law, and he fathered the boy with a black slave [Marie Cessette Dumas]. Later Antoine would discard his alias and reclaim his real name and title – Alexandre Antoine Davy, the Marquis de la Pailleterie – and bring his black son across the ocean to live in pomp and luxury near Paris. But the boy would reject his father’s name, along with his noble title. He would enlist in the French army at the lowest rank, taking the surname “Dumas” from his mother for his enlistment papers. Once he’d risen by his merits to higher rank he would not even sign his name “Alexandre,” preferring the blunt and simple form “Alex Dumas”.

Alex Dumas was a consummate warrior and a man of great conviction and moral courage. He was renowned for his strength, his swordsmanship, his bravery, and his knack for pulling victory out of the toughest situations…He was a soldier’s general, feared by his enemy and loved by his men, a hero in a world that did not use the term lightly…

Portrait of a Hunter in a Landscape, attributed to Louis Gauffier (1762-1801), is said to be a portrait of General Dumas.

The story of General Dumas is a shining example of the first true age of emancipation, albeit short. For one decade during which the French Revolution, these idealists ended slavery in 1794 and offered Jews full civil and political rights. They introduced the world to the ideas of human freedom and equality, regardless of color or religion.

Dumas rank of four-star General and command of entire armies would not be matched by another black officer in the western world for 150 years!” [click here to read more]

Crochet d’Artagnan Keychain

I have always been a huge fan of Alexandre Dumas’ books. I can read them over and over again an still enjoy every minute. After reading Tom Reiss’ book, I was unabashedly in awe of the life of General Alex Dumas. And thinking of Alexandre Dumas, having lost his larger than life father at the tender age for four, it became most clear why his heroes are so incredibly intoxicating.

This Crochet d’Artagnan is a small tribute to Alexandre Dumas and his father General Alex Dumas. I think he more accurately depicts how the real d’Artagnan and Edmond Danté would have looked if people were more accepting of African heroes.

Crochet Musketeer d'Artagnan Keychain by Suzy Dias

Crochet Musketeer d'Artagnan Keychain by Suzy Dias

Crochet Musketeer d'Artagnan Keychain by Suzy Dias

Crochet Musketeer d'Artagnan Keychain by Suzy Dias

Crochet Heroes of History

I am slowly adding to my Crochet Heroes of History series, which focuses mostly on forgotten heroes of history. I would like to honor those who overcame incredible challenges and opened doors for future generations. Since I now live in France, my first great heroes reflect U.S. and French history – Josephine Baker, the Harlem Hellfighters, and Alexander Dumas’ inspirational characters.

Crochet Three Musketeers
Crochet Three Musketeers Cardinal Richelieu
Crochet Three Musketeers Sophie
Crochet Petite Josephine Baker
Crochet Josephine Baker Keychain

Crochet Three Musketeers d'Artagnan by Suzy Dias

Crochet Three Musketeers girl Sophie by Suzy Dias

Crochet Josephine Baker (Petite Josephine)


Crochet Josephine Baker Keychain by Suzy Dias


Learn More

Alexandre Dumas Brief life of the soldier who inspired The Count of Monte Cristo: 1762-1806
Tom Reiss The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo
Alexandre Dumas Biography
The château de Monte-Cristo, the home and park of Alexandre Dumas 
Musée Alexandre Dumas
153Villers-Cotterêts.Le Général Dumas, pére d’Alexandre Dumas
En Savoie, hommage de la France au général Alexandre Dumas, ancien esclave Claude Ribbe