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Bordeaux for the Weekend is Worth It with Photos to Prove It (part 2)

With only a weekend in Bordeaux, there is plenty to see!

With my habit of taking too many photos, I split this into a three part post. In part 1 (click here), I went over parts of the historic city center and the hip shopping district around Rue Sainte-Catherine, with random cafés and comic shops. For part 2 I’ll show you the beautiful Place de la Bourse (old stock exchange) and the super popular Le Miroir d’eau (reflecting pool), the Hôtel de Ville (city hall area) and the remarkable Cathédrale Saint-André. In part 3 we’ll do some vintage antique shopping.

Le Miroir d’eau and Place de la Bourse (1755)

Bordeaux - Bourse and Le Miroir d'eau

Bordeaux - Bourse and Le Miroir d'eau

Bordeaux - Bourse and Le Miroir d'eau

Bordeaux - Bourse and Le Miroir d'eau

Bordeaux - Bourse and Le Miroir d'eau

Place de la Comédie – Grand Theatre Opéra National de Bordeaux (1780)

Bordeaux Place de la Comédie, Le Grand Theatre

Place de la Comédie

Place de la Comédie, Bordeaux

Place de la Comédie, Bordeaux

Place de la Comédie, Bordeaux

Place de la Comédie, Le Grand Hôtel (1779)

Place de la Comédie, Bordeaux

Hôtel de Ville

Hôtel de Ville, Bordeaux

Hôtel de Ville, Bordeaux

Hôtel de Ville, Bordeaux

Cathédrale Saint-André (1096)

Cathédrale Saint-André, Bordeaux

Cathédrale Saint-André, Bordeaux

Cathédrale Saint-André, Bordeaux

Cathédrale Saint-André, Bordeaux (1096)

Cathédrale Saint-André, Bordeaux

Lean more…

Bordeaux for the Weekend is Worth it with Photos to Prove it (part 1)

• Bordeaux for the Weekend is Worth it with Photos to Prove it (part 3)

Discover Bordeaux (Bordeaux Tourism)

Lonely Planet Bordeaux in Detail

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