The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
The Three Musketeers was published in 1844, about the adventures of d’Artagnan, who travels to Paris to join Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, Musketeers of the Guard. Alexandre Dumas’ historic adventure novel celebrates fighting the injustices the old order at a time when animosity between republicans and monarchists was still raging throughout France.
Most people don’t know that Alexandre Dumas based his most heroic and tragic characters on his father – Thomas Alexandre Dumas (aka Alex Dumas). Alex Dumas was a four star general during the French Revolution, equal to Napoleon, the son of a Haitian slave mother and a French aristocratic father. General Alex Dumas lived an extraordinary and tragic life which inspired his son’s larger than life heroes and heart-pounding adventures. [read more…]
I’s waited until my teens to finally read this book. Why? There are so many pages! But once I started, I couldn’t put it down. It’s a literal page turner. There’s a reason why countless movie adaptations around the world have been made based on this phenomenal book.
“This book is a must-read for every boy. Swordfight follows swordfight and peril follows peril, supported by a memorable cast of characters including the vengeful Athos, the jolly Porthos, the theologically minded Aramis, and the beautiful-but-deadly Milady de Winter. It’s a rollicking, exciting, and generally pleasant ride through late-medieval France. Even the numerous murders and deaths are treated as merely casualties of war. For most readers, “The Three Musketeers” is little more than a rip-roaring adventure story.’ [read more…]
Crochet Three Musketeers
This is my small tribute to Alexandre Dumas and his father, General Alex Dumas. I love reading Dumas books and I’m amazed by his father’s incredible story – from slavery to French nobility to a 5 star General fighting for liberty!
You can’t have a great hero without a great villain! So, I had to include Cardinal Richelieu in all his big moutachio-ed (not really a word) evil glory.
Crochet Cardinal Richelieu