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7Robots Fantastically Terrible Podcast ep2: Fists of Fury

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Episode 2: Fists of Fury

Today’s discussion is about…Fists of Fury. We’ll look at two new kick ass action packed American-Asian shows that that slap the whitewash off of racial stereotypes. They are Bruce Lee’s “Warrior” from Cinemax and “WU Assassins” from Netflix. There are no lazy stereotypes or offensive caricatures to be found anywhere. Hallelujah! Scroll down for a whack of links on the heroic fight for Asian-American equal rights. You don’t know the half of it.


“Warrior” is a gritty, action-packed crime drama set in the late 1870s during the Tong Wars of San Francisco’s Chinatown. Instead of starring the typical cowboy or settler, the main characters are Chinese immigrants trying to survive who wants their cheap labor but not them. The main character is Ah Sahm (Andrew Koji), a martial arts prodigy that’s sold off as a hatchet man to the most powerful Tong moments after “crossing the salt”.

Wu Assassins

“WU Assassins” is set in present day San Francisco. We want to talk about two shows with a nearly all Asian cast which are definitely worth watching. It’s a supernatural marital arts fusion starring Iko Uwais as Kai Jin, the last Wu Assassin who must recover the five elemental powers and bring balance the the world before it is destroyed. Oooooh!

Fantastically Terrible Character or Creature

At the end of every episode, we like to highlight a Fantastically Terrible Character or Creature.
Today we pay homage to the “Roaming Gnome” in the 2001 French film “Amélie”. Scroll down for the movie clip.

7Robots Podcast Fantastically Terrible Thank You!