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7Robots Fantastically Terrible Podcast on iTunes

Woohoo! Our podcast on iTunes!

What’s the Show About?

On each episode, Miguel Guerra and Suzy Dias will discuss many topics including, but not limited to, providing color commentary on movies and TV shows worth watching (or avoiding!), the oxymoronic nature of the comic industry, essential info about writing and creating art for a living, and other tender morsels. [read more…]

Fantastically Terrible Character or Creature

We’ll end every episode with a ‘Fantastically Terrible Character or Creature’. For example, in episode 1, we paid homage to the “get a hold of yourself” woman in the classic 1980 comedy, Airplane! [watch the movie clip]

Latest News and Episodes

Get all the latest episodes, breaking news, opinions, weather, traffic, and more…Um, minus the weather and traffic and add a lot of laughs. 🔗7Robots Fantastically Terrible Podcast

Listen and Connect with Us

The best way to support the show is to subscribe on iTunes. Please leave a comment too. We’ll personally thank you live at the end of show! We would really appreciate it and it’ll help others to find us too. Plus, we would love to hear from you.😃