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Indie Comic Team Up Covers 2020

Indie Comic Union

A great artists and creator Bradley – Littlejohn (aka Seahorsie) – introduced me to the Indie Comic Union and asked me to join the fun in the #indiecomicteamup on Instagam. When I saw all of the talented artists involved, I had to say yes. The only problem was, creating 4 comic covers, one for each week in December. There were 2 conditions:
1. Include characters from other artists participating the #indiecomicteamup 
2. Get started! It was the end of November.

For each week, there was a theme:
• Golden Age comics
• Silver Age comics
• Bronze Age comics
• Modern Age comics

So, I sat at my desk for probably too long, but it was such a blast! I’ll definitely join these guys again next time. Everyone was very supportive and encouraging.

Covers by Miguel Guerra

Indie Comic Team up
Golden Age
Indie Comic Team up (original cover)
Silver Age
Indie Comic Team up
Silver Age
Indie Comic Team up (original cover)
Indie Comic Team up
Bronze Age
Indie Comic Team up (original cover)
Indie Comic Team up
Modern Age
Indie Comic Team up (original cover)

Cover Art with our Characters!

Here are some artists that included Wolf Boy or Monkey King from our FREE WEBTOON Wolf Boy & the Magical Warriors (click here). We’re so happy and humbled. And they are off the hook!

To visit one of these fabulous artists, just click on the image.

Cover Art with our Characters!

Here are some artists that included Wolf Boy or Monkey King from our FREE WEBTOON Wolf Boy & the Magical Warriors (click here). We’re so happy and humbled. And they are off the hook!

To visit one of these fabulous artists, just click on the image. To all the covers click here.

Indie Comic Team up (fan art)
Indie Comic Team up (fan art)
Indie Comic Team up (fan art)
2021 Idie Comic Teamup incandescencecomi
2021 Idie Comic Teamup frogkingart
Indie Comic Team up (fan art)
Indie Comic Team up (example)
theseahorsie (example)

Video Recaps of all the Covers