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Episode 19: Break Out of Your Comfort Zone
Today we’re looking at a few fears that artists might have before starting something new or changing their routine. To do this, we’ll examine one of Miguel’s longstanding fears and how he overcame it. What was his fear? Yes, even a man who can draw practically anything would turn 180° in the other direction at the thought of starting to learn ANIMATION! Visions of golden age Disney artists drowning in hundreds of pages and Katsuhiro Otomo’s storyboards for his masterpiece, “Akira”, made his blood run cold.
So, Miguel broke out of his comfort zone with a super easy program called Pyxel Edit (Twitter @PyxelEdit). Pixel art is a great bridge from illustration to animation and video games. We all have our hang ups. What’s yours?
So, Miguel broke out of his comfort zone with a super easy program called Pyxel Edit (@PyxelEdit). Pixel art is a great bridge from illustration to animation and creating video games. We all have our hang ups. What’s yours?
Fantastically Terrible Character or Creature
The Fantastically Terrible Character or Creature is is the Ass of Balaam from the Torah or the Old Testament (Numbers 22. 21-40). We learn that even the lowly donkey can see angels and speak for God while the man is too busy acting like an ass to notice. Don’t avoid the obvious just because you’ve made other plans.
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