Ghost Metal Hit 300 Subscribers
We’re thrilled to announce that our FREE webcomic just passed 300! Thank you lovely readers & those amazing people who sub and like our work. We appreciate it so much!
We promise to continue to work our butts off bringing you absolutely original sci-fi and horror short stories. Each one has it’s own art style by Miguel Guerra, which makes crafting each story incredibly challenging to satisfying.
What’s Ghost Metal about?
Ghost Metal is a new sci-fi and horror series by Miguel Guerra and Suzy Dias.
Read each week as we serve you sci-fi and horror stories on a macabre menu of detestable delights. Then we’ll reach into the dark parts of our collective unconscious for dessert. Like a blinding shaft of light in a pitch black room, we’ll put you in the shoes of our unfortunate victims with each short story.
=^._.^= ∫ Up every Friday for your abhorrent amusement.
Where can I read your FREE webcomic?
(⌐■_■) ︻デ═一 ▸ Read on TAPAS Ghost Metal Episodes + Official Trailers
😵💫 We’ll add 100 short stories! Up every FRIDAY
• Created by Miguel Guerra and Suzy Dias
• Art by Miguel Guerra
• Written by Suzy Dias
• WEBTOON short stories
• Genre: Horror, sci-fi, monsters
★ Ghost Metal Art Ghost Metal Shop