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Ghost Metal: The Grind ep1 | New Series!

Ghost Metal

Sci-fi & horror stories served on a macabre menu of detestable delights. For dessert we’ll reach into the dark parts of our collective unconscious. Our unfortunate victims will be served Γ  la carte.

=^._.^= ∫ Up every Friday for your abhorrent amusement.

WEBTOON Episodes

πŸ’€ Ghost Metal on WEBTOON
(βŒβ– _β– ) ︻デ═一 β–Έ Β Ghost Metal on TAPAS!
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πŸ“… Up every FRIDAY


β€’ Created by Miguel Guerra and Suzy Dias
β€’ Art by Miguel Guerra
β€’ Written by Suzy Dias
β€’ WEBTOON short stories
β€’ Genre: Horror, sci-fi, monsters
β˜… Ghost Metal Art
πŸ‘• Ghost Metal Shop

"The Grind" (series 7)

The Grind

Introducing Ghost Metal’s 7th series on WEBTOON and TAPAS.


Are the humans robots or the robots human?

Long ago, the sacred elites debated replacing humans with robots. It was a difficult decision.Β Welcome to the dystopian world of The Grind.

Ghost Metal: The Grind (s7) ep 1

The Grind sample art

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