Crochet Lore Olympus by Suzy Dias
Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe is one of my favorite webcomics on Webtoon (click here). Here is her description directly from Webtoon…
“Witness what the gods do…after dark. The friendships and the lies, the gossip and the wild parties, and of course, forbidden love. Because it turns out, the gods aren’t so different from us after all, especially when it comes to their problems. Stylish and immersive, this is one of mythology’s greatest stories — The Taking of Persephone — as it’s never been told before.”
Unfortunately, I can’t draw, but I can crochet! So, what’s a girl to do? Create crochet fan art!
Crochet Persephone
Persephone is such a great design! I’m always amazed that Rachel Smythe could create such a well drawn (and well written) character with one basic color. Genius! I wasn’t sure how an all pink crochet doll would look, but taking all my inspiration from Rachel’s killer design, it works.
This description is from…
“Persephone, born Kore, is the Goddess of Spring, the only daughter of Demeter, the heiress to the Barley Mother fortune, future wife of Hades, and future Queen of the Underworld. She is the female protagonist of Lore Olympus.” [read more…]

Suzy Dias: The Crochet Addict
I’m the co-creator and writer of GHOST METAL, a free webcomic on WEBTOON (click here). I have two huge passions — writing and crochet! I spend countless hours with yarn and a hook in hand, making new toys, crocheting funny hats and anything weird. My designs are available in my shop, including tons of FREE patterns so you can make your own.

Ghost Metal
Sci-fi & horror stories served on a macabre menu of detestable delights. For dessert we’ll reach into the dark parts of our collective unconscious. Our unfortunate victims will be served à la carte.
=^._.^= ∫ Up every Friday for your abhorrent amusement.
WEBTOON Episodes
Ghost Metal on WEBTOON
(⌐■_■) ︻デ═一 ▸ Ghost Metal on TAPAS! ALL Ghost Metal Episodes + Official Trailers
★ Ghost Metal info & previews Up every FRIDAY
• Created by Miguel Guerra and Suzy Dias
• Art by Miguel Guerra
• Written by Suzy Dias
• WEBTOON short stories
• Genre: Horror, sci-fi, fantasy