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FREE Pattern! Crochet Ghost Keychain in Chinese & English

Cute GHOST key chain!
FREE Pattern in Chinese & English

I recently joined Xiaohongshu or Rednote. You can find me at Suzy Dias ID 26746207746. It’s a fun app and the people, both Chinese and foreigners like me are very friendly. I’ve found a vibrant US crochet community and the MOST TALENTED Chinese crochet artists. I’m blown away at how cute their amigurumi is and how many share free patterns. 

Thus, I thought I’d try to write a pattern in Mandarin. I did a lot of research, but I’m sure there are errors. If anyone out there speaks Chinese, feel free to contact me with any mistakes.

❀ suzydias [at] MAIL [dot] com or contact me here.

Β πŸ‘» Ghost Key Chain Pattern

πŸ‘» 幽灡ι’₯εŒ™ι“Ύ

Rednote / Xiaohongshu

❀ You can find me here on Rednote, ID 26746207746

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