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7Robots Fantastically Terrible Podcast ep15: Black Classical Music Pioneer Chevalier de Saint-Georges

Episode 15: Black Classical Music Pioneer Chevalier de Saint-Georges

As in our last episode, we’re going to stay in France during the revolution to talk about a man who is larger than life – Joseph Bologne or the Chevalier de Saint-Georges. He not only defies conventional thinking, even in our own time, he was a real life hero of epic proportions! If you mix Muhammad Ali and Bruce Lee with the world’s most celebrated musical genius, you’ll start to get a good idea. The next time you think of the great composers of classical music, remember the Chevalier de Saint-Georges. He earned his place in history!

Fantastically Terrible Character or Creature

The Fantastically Terrible Character or Creature is the Baccoo from Guyana and Barbados. You better feed this little guy bananas and milk or you’ll incur his wrath! Also, if you find a bottle floating in the ocean, perhaps it’s best to leave it alone.

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Chevalier de Saint-Georges the FREE webcomic

Read all 10 Episodes of Chevalier de Saint-Georges on Webtoon.

How to find our FREE webcomic?

1. Go to or download the FREE app for your Android or Apple device.
★★ Note: You can also scan the QR code below.
2. Search for the title of our comic: GHOST METAL.
3. Click on our icon/avatar.
4. Navigate to Series 12: Chevalier de Saint-Georges.
5. Read and enjoy!

Ghost Metal on Webtoon: Chevalier St Georges FREE
Click here to read episode 1
Ghost Metal: Black Heroes - Chevalier de Saint-Georges
"Ghost Metal" on

Crochet Chevalier

If you’re a big fan of Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges and you know how to crochet, Suzy made this super cute pattern. For more information and pics, click here to visit our shop.

Want the finished toy?

Of couse! If you would like your own handmade Chevalier, give us about 2 weeks. We can ship anywhere in the world from our home in France. Please contact Suzy on Instagram: @suzydias1 or email: suzydias [at] mail [dot] com.

Chevalier de Saint-Georges

7 Robots Fantastically Terrible Podcast Ep15: Chevalier de Saint-Georges