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Paris à la Geek: Jules Verne Inspired #Steampunk Metro Station

Paris Steampunk Subway Looks like Jules Verne’s the Nautilis

Among the many surprises in Paris are gems like the Arts et Métiers metro station (line #11). Featuring smooth copper coloured walls, rivets, gears, portholes and other imaginative navigation inspired objects, you feel like Captain Nemo will step out and join you in the Nautilus.

Designed by François Schuiten

The breathtaking art of François Schuiten is on full display. He designed this Jules Verne-inspired station that transports you to another world of Victorian futurism. His vision and imagination can’t help but inspire you (scroll down for more on Schuiten).

Here are a few photos to show how Schuiten’s skillful art was converted into this amazing metro station that is definitely worth seeing if you can visit Paris. I also included a few pics of the #3 metro line (which also passes through the Arts et Métiers station). It’s definitely not as cool as the #11 side, but I enjoyed the way the lights bounced off the white tiles.

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Steampunk Machines Electrify Your Imagination at the Musée des Arts et Métiers

If steampunk and amazing Da Vinci-Verne worthy art are what you’re looking for, read my related post on the Machines Dessiner exhibit at the Musée des Arts et Métiers (October 25, 2016 to February 26, 2017) with plenty of photos – click here.

Museum des Arts et Metiers: Machines Dessiner 2016

Now It’s Your Turn. Draw!

As we made our way to the final room of the exhibit, we were happily surprised to find a room with gadgets, machines contraptions, drawing desks, free paper and pencils! I love this idea. You can gaze at the imaginative machines, jaw-dropping artwork, and then you can draw too. To read more and see pics of the exhibit, click here.

Miguel Guerra at the Museum des Arts et Metiers: Machines Dessiner

Related Posts:

Comics, Steampunk Machines & Sci-Fi Metros by Schuiten & Peeters

Miguel Guerra Sketches Steampunk at the Musée des Arts et Métiers


Le Musée des arts et métiers

Alta Plana: The impossible & infinite encyclopedia of the world created by Schuiten & Peeters

Arts et Métiers (Paris Métro)














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