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Sweet #CrochetDoll for a Sweetie Pie Little Girl

New Crochet Doll for My Little Girl

What’s a mom to do when her daughter asks for a doll for her birthday? Like any mom would – you get to work and hope for the best. One thing to note – when a year old requests a custom toy they are picky! Hahaha. In the end, we created a cute little doll with brown wavy hair, a blue and white dress and yellow buttons. Add a bit of blush and she’s ready to play with.

Custom Made

She picked out the colours and wanted curly hair. So, I had to pull apart the three strands for each piece of yarn. This was the most tedious part! Ah, the things you do for love.

Here’s Rosie

Lucky for me, she loved this little doll and named her Rosie. And now for the finished doll….

Crochet Doll - Rosie by Suzy Dias Crochet

Crochet Doll - Rosie by Suzy Dias Crochet

Crochet Doll - Rosie by Suzy Dias Crochet

Crochet Doll - Rosie by Suzy Dias Crochet

Crochet Doll - Rosie by Suzy Dias Crochet




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