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Designer t-shirts, posters, hoodies, accessories, crochet & FREE stuff​

Ink Designs

All original art & designs by ©Miguel Guerra. All rights reseved.

Kirby Krackle. Ink Designs by Miguel Guerra
Coming soon
Shroud (Past Due). Ink Designs by Miguel Guerra
Coming soon
Warrior Stance. Ink Designs by Miguel Guerra
Coming soon
Progress home
Coming soon
Coming soon


Alien with a Top Hat. Ink Designs by Miguel Guerra
Coming soon

The Artist

Miguel Guerra is our hard working artist and designer. He creates funky t-shirts, hoodies, high quality posters and unique accessories for your and your home. Everything you see in our shop came out of his over active imagination.

Designs that we love! Everything from celebrities to comics to aliens. We add more all the time!

Join us in the bullpen for some laughs