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Past Due (Super Corporate Heroes) vol.1: Sticky Fingers (digital)



To slap a satirical spin on everything we know about superheroes, money and power. The game is rigged and nobody seems to notice…except one.

Tagline: Truth, justice and how much does it pay?

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• Titles: Past Due or Super Corporate Heroes
• Full color, 112 pages
• Genre: Humor, satire
• Audience: Teen +
• Release Date: Jan. 8, 2014
• ISBN: 0-9778454-4-3
• ISBN 13: 978-0-9778454-4-6

Synopsis (series)

After powerful corporations decimate the golden age of non-profit superheroes, new rules are designed for a new generation of who must use their extraordinary powers to earn a living. In this alternate reality, superheroes must be licensed by a mega insurance company called Superhero, Inc and people pay to be rescued. But the game is rigged and nobody seems to notice…except one. For more information on the book series, click here.

Volume 1: Sticky Fingers

The narrative thread weaves around short vignettes detailing key moments in the lives of various superheroes that work for Superhero, Inc. The benefits of working for the company are fame and fortune. Their celebrity can dwarf the paparazzi frenzy of Hollywood stars and all-star athletes combined. The top earner and most famous is American Icon, a former country music star. His invulnerable strength is only matched by his binge drinking and playboy lifestyle. The hardest working superhero is Ms. Titanium. She’s just as strong as American Icon, but when she found out she’s only paid half his salary, she walks out to plot her revenge. Then there’s the working stiff heroes, who are overworked and often punished for saving people without a license. Enter Blue Collar (a.k.a. Hero in a Hatchback), a divorced father of three with more bills than cash, and Spinlar, a half fly, half spider Brazilian heartthrob who’s trying to live the American dream. His one problem? Spinning a web from his back end can keep even the best superhero’s career from advancing.

Also available from the following, but it’s cheaper to buy it from from us ㋡ :

Super Corporate Heroes on Amazon Kindle     Super Corporate Heroes on Google Play    Super Corporate Heros on Drive Thru Comics


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