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Visit Portugal – Aveiro the Venice of Portugal

Aveiro the Venice of Portugal photos by Suzy Dias

Aveiro is the Venice of Portugal

Aveiro’s charm lies in its Venice-like canals, which you will experience aboard a classic ‘moliceiro’ boat tour. There are many to choose from once you arrive or book online. Aboard your vibrantly painted flat bottomed boats formerly used to harvest seaweed. Our guide was very friendly and spoke a few languages so everyone could understand (English, Spanish, Portuguese and French on our boat). Our guide was able to tell us about the history of the city and canals.
Aveiro is only 50 minute (74.2 km) from Porto and is easy to find. You can drive 15 mins longer and see the  absolutely picture perfect Costa Nova (click here).

★ For more photos and posts on Portugal, click here.

Aveiro the Venice of Portugal photos by Suzy Dias

Aveiro the Venice of Portugal photos by Suzy Dias

Aveiro the Venice of Portugal photos by Suzy Dias

Aveiro the Venice of Portugal photos by Suzy Dias

Aveiro is a modern city too

Aveiro was more than just canals and boat tours. There are many restaurants and shops. If you like fresh fish and seafood then you will be in heaven! Everything from a courtyard shopping mall to traditional Portuguese restaurants and wares are there for you to enjoy.

Aveiro street art

Aveiro also has a youthful edgy side. Here is some of the street art I noticed as we strolled around.

Aveiro street art photos by Suzy Dias

Aveiro street art photos by Suzy Dias

Aveiro street art photos by Suzy Dias

★ For more photos and posts on Portugal, click here.