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Wolf Boy and the Magical Warriors Final Characters Illustration

Wolf Boy and the Magical Warriors Characters

This is Miguel’s latest sketch our hilarious trio of characters from  Wolf Boy and the Magical Warriors – Wolf Boy, Monkey King and Tessi the Amazon! All from our upcoming all ages comic / BD series.

What is Wolf Boy and the Magical Warriors About?

As Wolf Boy, Monkey King and Tessi the Amazon wander through the ancient world, hijinks, magic and high-flying adventure weave their way through every volume. Only a few people alive today know that most epic disasters in history were caused by these three buffoons.

This madcap trio sinks Atlantis, topples the Great Wall of China, destroys the Colossus of Rhodes, gets Socrates arrested and burns down the Library of Alexandria in Egypt. [read more…]

Wolf Boy and the Magical Warriors New Character Sketch

This is Miguel’s latest sketch our hilarious trio of characters from  Wolf Boy and the Magical Warriors – Wolf Boy, Monkey King and Tessi the Amazon! All from our upcoming all ages comic / BD series.

Wolf Boy and the Magical Warriors character sketch by Miguel Guerra

Wolf Boy and the Magical Warriors New Character Illustration Wolf Boy and the Magical Warriors characters

Related Links:

Wolf Boy and the Magical Warriors series information

All Art and updates about Wolf Boy and the Magical Warriors

Wolf Boy and the Magical Warriors FREE SAMPLE