#SamuraiElf new character sketches in our YA sci-fi series by Miguel Guerra & Suzy DiasMarch 16, 2018July 13, 2018
New Cover for #WolfBoy & His Magical Warriors: The Flushing of #Atlantis by #SuzyDias & #MiguelGuerraJanuary 26, 2018July 13, 2018
#Nostradamus The Curse of the Prophet storytelling page comparison by #MiguelGuerraNovember 9, 2017November 9, 2017
#Nostradamus The Curse of the Prophet storytelling comparison by #MiguelGuerraNovember 9, 2017November 9, 2017
#Nostradamus The Curse of the Prophet comic panel by #MiguelGuerra & #SuzyDiasNovember 6, 2017November 9, 2017
“Survival” Comic Panel from Tales of the Absurd (short stories) by #MiguelGuerraNovember 2, 2017November 9, 2017
Crochet Zelda’s Link the Elf. Handmade Toy by Suzy Dias #crochetzelda #crochetelfMarch 29, 2016February 14, 2018